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 Stutter Interrupted
The Comedy Special

Nina G: Stutterer Interrupted premiered on Amazon Prime in August 2024. Directed by Gina Chin-Davis, this movie is a first of its kind!

Get it FREE on February 14, 2025!

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Movie Trailer (some adult language and subjects-but bleeped):






Other Promos for Stutterer Interrupted:













What people are saying about Nina G: Stutterer Interrupted:​


"Doing standup is hard. Doing standup when you stutter, takes a truckload of confidence, self-acceptance, poise, and a burning desire to make others laugh. Nina G has embraced her disability and plowed ahead, fearlessly pursuing her childhood dream of becoming a standup comic, as well as educating her audience that comedy delivered with a stutter, can also be funny, unique and provide an interesting life perspective.  Nina never fails to amaze me. As a disability activist, published author with her doctorate, and ebullient personality, she is definitely a force to reckoned with. This girl is on fire!"

Bernadette Luckett, writer/producer  


“The first time I saw Nina perform was at an open mic in a hallway leading to restrooms. She didn’t just do her time. She got laughs… with a stutter. Years ago comics mocked stutterers. Nina never backed down, often mocking the mockers. I was impressed once again by her knowledge of standup history. She’s funny, smart and strong. I’m a fan.”

Ritch Shydner, comedian and author of Kicking Through the Ashes: My Life as a Stand-up in the 1980s Comedy Boom


“This film shows Nina G as a powerful changemaker. From her high school years collaborating with faculty to get her needs met as a stuttering student with dyslexia to her gifts as a talented storyteller and stand-up comedian, Nina G is transforming society’s view of disabled people one stage at a time.”

Beth A. Haller, Ph.D., author of Disabled People Transforming Media Culture for a More Inclusive World (Routledge, 2023)


“Lifting up the voices of women who stutter is extremely important, especially because it is rare to see us represented in popular culture. I've grown up only seeing mostly white men on screen, thinking there are not a lot of women out there who share similar experiences. It was not until I started Proud Stutter that I realized there are so many women who stutter and we all deserve to be heard.”

Maya Chupkov, founder of Proud Stutter, an advocacy nonprofit and podcast


"Nina G. pulls off the rare feat of making her audience laugh, think, and like it, all at the same time. Her performance footage is enhanced by glimpses into the life experiences that give her a fresh, sincere perspective on disability and humor. More Nina, please!"

Jane Vincent, accessibility specialist and author


"Better to laugh with us than at us."

Jim Lebrecht, co-director of the Oscar nominated documentary, Crip Camp


"Nina never fails to amaze me. As a disability activist, published author with her doctorate, and ebullient personality, she is a force to be reckoned with. This Girl is on fire!"

―Bernadette Luckett, Writer/Producer

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